No team summary for this season.
Practice cancelled for 4/16/18
Updated on 06/10/2022
Practice today (4/16/18) has been canceled. Practice tomorrow as planned.
St.Thomas match
Updated on 06/10/2022
The boys home match with St. Thomas on April 11 is now on April 12. This change is just for the boys team only, the girls are still playing at St. Thomas. This will affect the girls practice time on April 12.
Athletic contract due
Updated on 06/10/2022
please turn in your Athletic contract before Monday March 19.
Bow Lake 5K race Fundraiser
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Bow Lake 5k race will be held on April 8, 2018. The race will start at 9:00 at Bow lake Dam. Parents and players will have an opportunity to register online for $15.00.
A link to sign up is posted on the Team Information page.
Week 1 Indoor Schedule 2018
Updated on 06/10/2022
March 19
3-4:00 Track
4:00-5:30 B/G Tennis
5:30-7:30 Girls Lax
7:00-9:00- open |
March 20
3-4:00 Track
4:00-6:00 Girls Lax
6:00-7:30 B/G Tennis
7:00-9:00 -open |
March 21
3-4:00 Track
4:00-5:30 B/G Tennis
5:30-7:30 Girls Lax
7:00-9:00 open |
March 22
3-4:00 Track
4:00-6:00 Girls Lax
6:00-7:30 B/G Tennis
7:00-9:00- open |
March 23
3-4:00 Track
4:00-5:30 B/G Tennis
5:30-7:30 Girls Lax
7:00-9:00 -open |
Physical and impact testing
Updated on 06/10/2022
Remember you need to have a physical and impact testing done before March 19th.
Meet the Coaches night
Updated on 06/10/2022
Meet the Coaches is next Monday March 12. All players should plan to attend to receive paperwork, practice and game schedules. We would like the players to be there too pick out team clothing for the season.
Free tennis clinic at Great Bay
Updated on 06/10/2022
Information from Great Bay about a FREE tennis clinic!!!!
This Saturday Great Bay is offering some FREE tennis clinics for juniors.
YES FREE... :-)...
12:45pm Junior Clinics
ALL levels are welcome and there will be a ton of giveaways from Wilson Racket Sports.
All of our pro's will be there teaching these free clinics...
It should be a great afternoon of tennis.
You can call to sign up or just show up, we'd love to see.
Great Bay 603.557.0537
Anthony Sillitta
Tennis Director
Seacoast Sports Clubs
Great Bay
Practice for 4/19/18
Updated on 06/10/2022
Today's practice for both Boys and Girls is from 3-4.
Effective teamwork begins and ends with communication *Mike Krzyzewski
Updated on 02/20/2019