Black Bear Athletics

Coe-Brown Northwood Academy

Boys Varsity Soccer

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (84)

Friday's Banquet for JV and Varsity Teams!

Updated on 06/10/2022

Friday is our banquet day! We are very excited to be able to convene to celebrate our teams and players during this memorable season. We are looking forward to taking a moment to reflect on the experience. 

Because the banquet is outside, and much less formal than the traditional banquet (no food or beverages and players will be in their soccer gear), we thought we’d try to have a little fun as part of the celebration. So, here’s how it will look.

The banquet for the whole soccer program will “kick off” at 4:30 pm. We will hold this ON the Lacrosse field (lower field along Rt4). All families attending should bring chairs, cluster by family, and wear masks while also sitting 6’ apart from those around them. As people arrive we will show them where to situate.

4:15 arrival is recommended because we I’ll start by 4:30.

Coaches will make remarks to the whole group about their respective seasons for 15-20 minutes. Teams will then separate for coaches to say a few more words and hand out certificates/awards. 

This should bring us to 5:15.

At this point, we will invite players for both teams back to the field for a last scrimmage from 5:15-6. This will give the boys one last time to play and the parents another chance to watch.

We look forward to seeing all our players and parents.

No food or drinks will be served.

See you Friday!!

Varsity Playoff schedule

Updated on 06/10/2022

Prelims: 10/28/20- traveling to Oyster River Durham. Game time is 3:00pm, departure time is 1:45pm.

Quarters: 10/31/20- winner of Pembroke and Sanborn

Semis: 11/3/20- Play winner of region four game at 3:00pm

Finals: 11/6/20-  game at 3:00pm

Boys Soccer Banquet Friday 10/23/20

Updated on 06/10/2022

This year's banquet will be an informal celebration of our JV and Varsity teams AFTER practice AT the practice field at 4:30pm. The ceremony should take no more than an hour and families should bring chairs or blankets. The weather looks nice so far, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.

No food or beverages will be served, and all players and families will be required to wear masks and maintain distancing in keeping with the CBNA safety protocol.

While this is not ideal, we are embracing the opportunity to celebrate despite these challenging times.

More information will come as far as which field we will hold the event. Looking forward to celebrating these great young men!

Season information update

Updated on 06/10/2022

SEASON SCHEDULE: The schedule found through the athletics page here is still THE schedule to use. I have also posted a .PDF of our schedule (see "Files" tab) that also includes projected training days and times. Note: I originally listed the MV game tomorrow as HOME when it is AWAY. Please be sure you plan for the away trip to MV. The address can be found by clicking on the opposing team's information on the main schedule page. [If using Google Maps, select the Merrimack Valley High School that comes up in Penacook.]

TRANSPORTATION: Players are required to travel with the team to games but are encouraged to ride home with families after the game (after the parent signs the transportation signout sheet after the game). For safety reasons this season, players may ONLY ride home with their own families.

SPECTATOR GUIDELINES: The guidelines have been sent to all families by our athletic director and sent home in the packet that went home to families on Thursday. Following these guidelines on these road trips will ensure we keep the privilege of having spectators allowed. We appreciate your effort in adhering to them. Most will mandate masks and social distancing. Same with our home games. Masks should be on from the moment spectators leave their cars until they return back to their cars to go home.

TEAM PICTURES: Picture order forms went home last Thursday as well. Picture day is this Wednesday 9/23. Individual photos will be taken this year rather than a group shot, and the collection of photos will go onto one page (if I understood correctly). If you did not see the picture form, let me know, and I will get the online information to you. We plan on still doing a team group shot, be we will use a CBNA faculty member who does yearbook.

SENIOR GAME: We will plan on celebrating our seniors at the Home game vs. Pembroke on 9/28. Senior families are encouraged to be there at 3:30pm because you will be part of the senior ceremony that takes place around 3:45.

Please reach out with any questions: or


Updated on 06/10/2022

This can be found under "Team Files" on our webpage here.

Fall Season updates as of 8/14/20

Updated on 06/10/2022

Many of us have been anxious to know what has been determined about our season. The state Athletic Directors met today to determine this and... still no further information. It is incredibly frustrating, but no decisions can be made until all the schools declare their intentions to either participate or not in a fall season. Some school boards have not made final determinations. Until that happens, we will not know what the landscape of our season will look like.

Coe-Brown's intention remains to participate in competitive athletics this semester. With safety as our ultimate consideration, we are willing adapt to what the NHIAA determines viable whether it means we play something close to our regular schedule, or play a modified schedule that could involve only teams from closer regional schools regardless of division. We do know that the NHIAA is going to work hard to make a season viable.

We will keep you informed as any new information is unveiled. Until then, we will continue getting together on Tuesdays from 4:30-6pm to enjoy each others' company and grow as soccer players.

Have a great weekend, and looking forward to our next Tuesday session.

-Coach Gompert

Soccer is off!!

Updated on 06/10/2022

Had to cancel tonight at the start because of a system that popped up on radar. RAIN DATE this Thursday 6/17 5:30-7:30.

Soccer is on

Updated on 06/10/2022

Soccer is on tonight! Should be beautiful after the storm comes through. There may be a delay at the start in which we will stay in cars. Parents: please plan to stick around until we have clearance.

Varsity game vs. Pittsfield postponed to Saturday 10/17 3pm

Updated on 06/10/2022

Bus will depart from Coe-Brown at 1:45pm. Players should arrive at 1:30pm

Training / Game canceled today 10/13/20

Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to weather, there will be no soccer for either team today. 

Boys Varsity game is postponed.

All players should use this day to do make-up school work. End of Quarter 1 is Friday!!

[Sorry for duplicate post. The website did not seem to take the first posting.]

St. Thomas games POSTPONED

Updated on 06/10/2022

Regular practice time for Varsity.


Varsity game has been moved to Friday this week 10/9 at 4pm.

JV is scheduled to play Concord this Friday but time is currently up in the air. We will let you know asap.

JVs game at St. Thomas is rescheduled to 10/22.

Updates to come as they unfold.

St. Thomas Spectator protocol

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello All,

We are hoping many spectators are able to support our boys tonight at St. Thomas. We will let you know if we hear of any weather cancellation.

Please adhere to the following St. Thomas safety protocol:

1. Complete the self assessment 3 questions prior to arrival (do not come if you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, traveled outside of New England in last 14 days, tested positive or been in contact with someone who tested positive)

2. Spectators must be 6 feet apart from everyone else with the exception of those in the same household.

3. Spectators must wear masks at all times.

Thank you, and Go Bears!!


Correction for game end time today

Updated on 06/10/2022

For parents picking up at Oyster River today after the game, the matches will likely be over at 3:30 with us getting back to the bus in the parking lot at 3:45 where players can get signed out. The previous message said 5:30. Sorry about that!!

Oyster River match info 10/3

Updated on 06/10/2022

Since we are unable to have spectators, Oyster River has provided a livestream link to the game. Presumably this is only for Varsity but it’s unclear at this point. The link: All players must ride the bus from Coe-Brown to the game. Players should be at Coe-Brown by 12:30 so the bus can depart by 12:45. (Coach Struthers will be at CB at noon if any players want to knock the ball around ahead of time.) Game time is 2pm. Parents may pick up their own child at ORHS by our bus in the parking lot AFTER the game is over. Game would likely end at 3:30 and we are back to the bus at 3:45. Thank you for your support and cooperation. We’re doing what we can to ensure our boys can continue to play games in these crazy times.


Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to the work our boys have put in this week, we are giving them the day off Friday.

Back at it for the Oyster River match on Saturday. Be at CBNA at 12:30pm for a 12:45pm departure.

We will post the live stream link for families to watch since we aren't allowed to bring supporters. While frustrating, it is worth it for us to get our kids playing a competitive match against OR.

Families ARE able to pick their child up AFTER the game in the parking lot by our bus if they choose. Otherwise, we will transport the players back home on the bus.

Saturday 9/26 is a day off

Updated on 06/10/2022

Our Athletic Director, Mr. Struthers, tried 6 different areas schools to reschedule an opponent this Saturday in place of the Oyster River game but had no luck. That means Saturday is a day off. 

Game at Oyster River this Saturday is cancelled

Updated on 06/10/2022

Good morning,

Saturday's game against Oyster River has been canceled due to a change in their protocol for ALL sports traveling to compete at other schools. We are trying to fill Saturday's game with another opponent and will keep you up to date as soon as we learn how that transpires.

While our natural reaction to this was great frustration because of how exciting our games are with OR, this is not unexpected with the state of flux we are in. We are still extremely fortunate to be able to play together each day of the week. We also recognize that some schools are not even having a season, and other ones have seasons that only include 2 total opponents.

We move on, control what we can control, and embrace each moment.

Picture Day tomorrow!!

Updated on 06/10/2022

All players should wear their red uniform, black uniform shorts and red uniform socks. (These should not be worn in school.)

Season Information and Team Meeting

Updated on 06/10/2022

Good evening,

A whole bunch of information became available today that we would like to pass on.

Game Spectator Protocol: Families have been e-mailed this afternoon by Coe-Brown about protocol for our home games and protocol for away games. We are grateful that most away games will allow our spectators to see our boys play ball. Please view this e-mail and get an understanding of these expectations. Our commitment to following these guidelines will keep everyone safe and ensure that we are able to continue to have spectators.

Team Store: Collins Sports activated our team store today. Fliers went home with players today, but you can follow this link:     The store will be available until Thursday at midnight. Orders will arrive "around" the week of October 12th. This is far later than we are used to because of the delayed start to the season. 

Team Meetings:  Coaches would like to have a meet and greet with parents THIS WEDNESDAY right after training ends at 5pm. We will separate teams to keep group numbers down, and we ask that parents follow the mask-wearing and distancing protocol that we have on campus. At that time, we will go over season plans, expectations of players, program philosophy and try to answer any questions you may have. We will be on the lower fields in front of Smith Hall. JV families will meet by the tennis courts (parking is just beyond the courts). Varsity families will meet on the bleachers that look down at the field (parking in the "senior" lot just off Route 4). Hope to see as my families as possible.

We are very excited and hopeful that we can continue our season from start to finish and the players look forward to your support throughout.


This week's training times and tryout roster update

Updated on 06/10/2022

This week's training sessions - the last two before tryouts next week:


Players MUST leave campus before returning no earlier than 4:15pm. Shin guards are required.

So far, we have 27 eligible athletes to try out on September 8 & 9 who have turned in Athletic Contracts, physical forms (dated Jan 2019 or more recent), ImPACT test on record (new players, freshmen and juniors), and health history on record.

8 games scheduled so far

Updated on 06/10/2022

The season is slowly but surely coming together. The latest updates are found here and is more current and accurate than the NHIAA website. Tryouts will be Tuesday (9/8) and Wednesday (9/9) 3:15-5:30pm on the upper field (“Varsity field”). Practice will be 3:15-5 after that, every weekday other than game days. All players must have these three submitted or completed to try out: 1) physical on file 2) ImPACT test taken (freshmen, juniors, transfers) in Study Halls 3) CBNA Athletics contract signed. The sooner we get an idea about numbers, the sooner we can design an appropriate tryout. The excitement and energy is palpable as the schedule takes shape. Keeping our fingers crossed and appreciating every moment we get to spend together on the field.

Thursday session added this week

Updated on 06/10/2022

We have been able to add another training session this week on Thursday from 4:30-6pm. As a reminder, players must leave campus before coming back to training. Also, don’t forget shin guards.

Tuesday Training

Updated on 06/10/2022

The next three Tuesday training sessions are 4:30-6pm. Because CBNA has mandated (for cleaning purposes) that NO student may remain on campus or on the fields after school, players will HAVE to leave campus and return no earlier than 4:15. We recognize this is a challenge for younger players, but we must comply. The same social distancing, mask-wearing expectations are in effect.

Informational letter about tryout requirements

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello Everyone, 

This was sent out to all families yesterday, but we thought we'd repost in case you missed it. The letter discussed the requirements for athletes to try out for the soccer teams on September 8th.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hello Coe-Brown students and parents from the Athletic Department. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Athletic Director and go over a couple items for the fall season.

  1. The fall athletic season will start on September 8.  More information regarding practice schedules will be coming shortly.  Those plans will be posted on the Coe-Brown athletic page as well as the team pages.
  2. Athletic Contract needs to be completed by all student athletes. Contracts can be found on the Coe-Brown athletic web page. Please complete the electronic form.  UPDATED 2020 Fall Athletic Contract Form
    1. If you have filled out a contract prior to August 13, you MUST COMPLETE A NEW CONTRACT. We have added a waiver section for COVID-19 that needs to be signed.
  3. Physical Examination: Due to current COVID-19 pandemic, the physical examination requirement has been modified.
    1. If you participated in Coe-Brown athletics during the 2019-20 school year, your physical will be valid for this upcoming school year (2020-21)
    2. If you did NOT participate in Coe-Brown athletics during the 2019-20 school year (this includes incoming freshman and transfer students) please submit documentation of a physical examination and clearance that was performed after January 1, 2019
  4. ImPACT baseline testing will be conducted during study halls the week of August 17th. If you are a Freshman, Junior or transfer student athlete, you need to complete ImPACT baseline testing that is valid for two years. Please have your netbook with you during study hall, an athletics representative will be present at each study to conduct testing.
  5. At this time Division 2 Athletic Directors are still assembling schedules for the fall season. More information about games will be forth coming.

As we get closer to the start date of September 8, I will send out another email with more information. I will also keep your coach well informed, so they can be a resource if you have questions.

Thank you and I look forward to working with you this fall. Please feel free to contact me at school of you have any questions.

Take Care,

Mr. Struthers


Link to athletic contract form:



Karen Carey, ATC NHLAT

    Athletic Trainer and HOSA Advisor

cell (603)970-0885


Coe-Brown Northwood Academy

907 NH Turnpike

Northwood, NH 03261


main office  (603)942-5531

fax    (603)942-7537


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Thursday session added this week 5:45-7pm

Updated on 06/10/2022

We are happy to be able to add a Thursday session this week from 5:45-7pm on the upper field. We will be warming up from 5:45-6 and then playing small sided games for an hour. FROM HERE ON OUT, SHIN GUARDS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PLAY.

Tuesday's training time moved to 6-8pm to account for the heat

Updated on 06/10/2022

Tuesday's training time moved to 6-8pm to account for the heat. Drink plenty of water all day.

Today's session moved to tomorrow (Wednesday) 4:30-6pm JV field

Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to the impending storm today, we are moving summer soccer to tomorrow (Wednesday) 4:30-6pm on the lower "JV" field.

New Season Start Date: September 8th

Updated on 06/10/2022

We have gotten word from NHIAA that our season start date for all sports is September 8th. That would be our first day of official tryouts and practices.

The new schedule will not be released for at least a week when all of the schools in our division must declare whether or not they intend to participate. Coe-Brown fully intends to participate as long as the NHIAA deems it safe to do so.

We will continue doing Tuesdays 5-7pm until that time, with the possible pushover to Thursdays for postponements or add-ons.

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday's training session this week moved to Thursday

Updated on 06/10/2022

Because of the heat and possible thunderstorms tomorrow, we are moving this week's training session to Thursday 7/30. 

In the meantime, don't forget the skills challenges, running program and morning workouts with Mrs. Carey! Lots of opportunities!

It's Official: We Are Cleared to PLAY!!!

Updated on 06/10/2022

The State has released Amateur Sports to Phase 3 of Return to Play Guidelines. This means we can play WITH NO RESTRICTIONS!!! This also means we can have TRYOUTS!!!

This is incredible news. The door to our season has just about swung open...

...but it will only stay open if NH can continue practicing safe social distancing, mask wearing, and sanitizing measures to keep its COVID #s down low. All we can do is do our part to be safe, encourage others to be safe, and hope it is enough to allow us to play this season.

So, get ready for some unrestricted game play tomorrow! 

Screenings, mask wearing, sanitizing and social distancing measures are still in effect before, during and after training.

Training is on this evening

Updated on 06/10/2022

Boys Soccer taining is on this evening

Running Program and Skills Challenges

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi All,

For those who don't have access to the Google Classroom page (incoming Freshmen), I have attached two files into the "Team Files" section that will allow you to see and take advantage of those programs.

You can find them here:

Today's Training is ON

Updated on 06/10/2022

Training from 5-7pm is on tonight!

To comply with current social distancing measures, any thunder during training will require players to shelter in their OWN car for 30 minutes (after the last sound of thunder) or be picked up by a parent.

Players should be wearing masks when walking to and from the field.

Bring your own ball if you have one!

Summer Strength and Flexibility Program (x2 per week via Zoom)

Updated on 06/10/2022

Athletic Trainer Carey is hosting a twice-a-week, one hour each, strength and flexibility program throughout the summer.

These sessions are INCREDIBLY valuable to all athletes. For soccer, the core strength and flexibility aids with increased balance, burst speed and varied movement strengths which allow you to be a more versatile and effective player.

Time: every Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:30am

 Join Zoom Meeting

 [same link each session]

Meeting ID: 737 1815 5595

Password: CBNA123


6/30: Tuesday = Intro to Plyometrics; Thursday = Yoga 

6/23 (passed): Tuesday = FIFA 11+ injury prevention workout; Thursday = Strength/Flexibility Yoga

Skills Challenges Underway - jump in!

Updated on 06/10/2022

If you haven't been part of the weekly skills challenges yet, join us! Your level doesn't matter. It's just a fun way to challenge yourself and practice getting touches on the ball.

The challenges are posted on Google Classroom where the players can upload video of their skills attempts. 

Join the class: "CBNA Boys Soccer 2020"

Class code: d65zuko


Training Today! 5-7pm upper field

Updated on 06/10/2022

Be sure to bring your own water bottle, bag, cleats and MASK. It is suggested but not necessary to bring your own ball.

Waivers should be signed by now for participation.

Only current CBNA (and incoming) students may participate for now.

Waivers must be signed to participate in tomorrow's sessions

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi All,

We are so excited about our first training session tomorrow from 5-7pm. Please be sure you have signed the waiver and THOROUGHLY read the guidelines to ensure our session can run with everyone participating tomorrow. [Found here: ]

While we expect there to be some explanatory delays at the start of the session, we plan to use as much of the time block to get touches on the ball. The more the players are prepared and tuned in to the new guidelines, the quicker we can get to playing.

Right now, we have 32 players/parents who have signed the waiver. We can have a maximum of 47 CBNA players on the field (+3 coaches = 50 participants max). The waiver is good for the whole summer, so it will be on a first come basis. We don't expect to be that many, but it is good to know of the possibility.



Updated on 06/10/2022

We are officially in Phase 2 of reopening and have been cleared to train. An e-mail from CBNA has gone out to all families indicating the days/times for summer training for the various CBNA sports.

Our first Boys Soccer training session is this Tuesday from 5-7pm. This will be open to current CBNA players and incoming freshmen ONLY. [When we move to the next phase, we are hopeful we can open training up to alumni as we have done traditionally.]

As to be expected, there are a number of precautions that the coaches and players have to make to allow us to train as a group. These guidelines are laid out in the electronic waiver form included in the e-mail from CBNA. It is imperative that the parents and athletes understand these precautions, or the player will not be allowed to participate. At worst, it could jeopardize our team's ability to get together.

The coaches will reiterate the guidelines at the start of the training session. 

The coaches (and players!) feel incredibly fortunate to be able to get together. Finally.

We will be communicating updates and changes as they occur.

Thank you all for your patience!

This summer's training sessions:

Boys Soccer



June 23,30

July 7,14,21,28 

August 4,11

Upper soccer field

Christian Gompert

Phase 2 Stay at Home Reopening for "Amateur Sports"

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi All, 

The governor has just announced a Phase 2 reopening on June 15th which includes amateur sports. This is promising news for us to hopefully get together sooner rather than later.

Once we get the clearance from the school's insurance company, and we can reopen the campus for athletic activities, we will take first advantage. We should know answers some time at the beginning of next week and will communicate them with you as soon as we learn.

-Coach Gompert

Meet the Coaches & Team Information Slideshow 6/10/2020

Updated on 06/10/2022 | Christian Gompert

Link to information about our program, coaches, summer ball and tryout requirements for this fall 2020:


Banquet reminder

Updated on 06/10/2022

?Banquet is Thursday night at 6pm in the cafe. Looking forward to celebrating JV and Varsity Teams!? ?Remember:? ?Freshmen bring drinks;? ?Sophomores and Juniors bring apps;? ?Seniors bring dessert.?

Soccer Teams Celebration Banquet

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi Everyone,

We will have our soccer teams banquet/dinner on Thursday, November 7th at 6pm in the CBNA cafe. The celebration typically lasts between 1 1/2 - 2 hours.

CBNA will provide pizza and dinnerware (cups, plates, napkins, utensils).  Players should bring the following to help make the evening happen:

Freshmen: Drinks

Sophomores and Juniors: Apps

Seniors: Desserts

Looking forward to seeing everyone and reflect on the seasons.


Stevens Game is Wednesday 4 & 6pm

Updated on 06/10/2022

Just a reminder that the Stevens game (away) is on Wednesday this week, not the original Tuesday that showed on our calendar.  This was changed about a month and a half ago.

JV plays at 4, Varsity at 6.  The bus will not stop on the way home for food because it is a school night.

Training Canceled Today

Updated on 06/10/2022

No practice today due to weather and field conditions.

Friday's training

Updated on 06/10/2022

Varsity trains at 6am Friday morning.

JV trains at 2:45pm Friday afternoon.

Today's non-mandatory training & PROGRESS REPORTS

Updated on 06/10/2022

Our calendar has today's practice marked as a day off because of the additional Saturday game.  If any players, JV or Varsity, would like to come to a non-mandatory training session today, Coach Struthers will be running one from 3-4:45pm on the JV field.

Both coaches will be printing off players' progress reports within the next week.  Today would also be a great day to get extra after school help from teachers or get caught up on work.

Bus departure for John Stark now 3pm

Updated on 06/10/2022

There will be NO EARLY DISMISSAL for the John Stark game.  Bus now LEAVES at 3pm.


Which color jersey to wear tomorrow?

Updated on 06/10/2022

White on the road. Red/Black at Home. Dismissal from school tomorrow at 1:45. Bus departs for John Stark at 2pm.

Oyster River Game moved back to original 4:30 start

Updated on 06/10/2022

Both teams will now both play at Oyster River on Friday at 4:30pm (rather than the later consecutive times). Bus will LEAVE from Coe-Brown at 3pm.  Players should arrive to Smith Hall by 2:45pm.

While frustrating to have gone through this many changes, we thought the change was necessary due to the recent Triple E concern that unfolded in Northwood.  We are taking the same precautions today in training and will have bug repellent available to all players.

Facebook Teams Page

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi All,

We have created a Facebook Group page for this year's JV and Varsity teams.  This is a place to celebrate the teams' efforts throughout the season.  Feel free to share photos and articles that you capture or come across.  Any member may invite in new members.  

I believe you'll have to request admittance into the group, so we will accept them as they come in.  If last names match with players, we will accept right away.  If they do not, have another group member that knows you bring into the group, or send us an e-mail to clarify your relationship.



[If that doesn't work, look up "2019 CBNA Boys Soccer Teams"]

Important upcoming deadlines and dates

Updated on 06/10/2022

Tuesday: 4pm Varsity & JV scrimmage vs Dover; 5:30pm parent meeting with their son’s respective coaches (for those who missed the one on Friday); Midnight deadline for ALL Team Store purchases. Don’t forget the coupon code - 1 per player. (The broken coupon code was fixed Saturday afternoon) Wednesday: team picture day - order forms were handed out at Friday’s meeting. We’ll have a few leftovers at Tuesday’s parent meeting. (Teams will wear RED jerseys) Friday: Game Times at Oyster River HAVE BEEN CHANGED. JV kickoff 5pm Varsity kickoff 7pm (Bus for both teams: 3:30pm)

Parent Meeting Friday

Updated on 06/10/2022

Parents meeting tomorrow to discuss program guidelines, team policies, season schedule, team store and more. JV/softball field bleachers.

JV parents: 5pm w/Coach Struthers

Varsity parents; 5:15pm w/Coach Gompert.

TRYOUTS TOMORROW!! Important Information

Updated on 06/10/2022

Boys Varsity and JV combined tryouts will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3-5pm on the upper field (past softball field to the top field).  Reminder - to even step on the field, all players must have: (A) a current physical on file (dated June 1, 2019 or later), (B) the athletic contract signed on line, and (C) a current ImPact test on file with Mrs. Carey.  All players must have cleats and shin guards and be properly hydrated because of the excessively hot temperatures expected.  Lastly, if there is inclement weather, we have an indoor contingency plan, so players MUST bring indoor soccer shoes or sneakers.  Contact Coach Gompert with any questions:

Tuesday Scrimmage info- LOCATION CHANGE

Updated on 06/10/2022

The scrimmage against Timberlane has been moved to an athletic field complex at this address:  56 North Road, Sandown, NH 03873 called Sandlot Sports & Entertainment. It is a 40 minute drive from CBNA. Players need to find their OWN way to and from the field. 

The scrimmage is at 5:30pm. We'll get warmups going by 5:15. 

The scrimmage includes incoming freshmen.

Next Week's mini camp

Updated on 06/10/2022

Next week's mini camp is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 5:30-7:30pm.

[Thursday will also include regular pickup ball with alumni.]

We plan on doing lots of small-sided games with emphasis on decision-making skill development, full-sided games, and technical skill development based on the needs of the players.  This is a great opportunity and it is of NO COST to the participants.

Tuesday, July 30th Scrimmage details

Updated on 06/10/2022

We have locked in information for our upcoming scrimmage with Timberlane:

Tuesday, July 30th, 5:30-7pm.

Location: Timberlane Regional High School, 36 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865  [the Varsity field behind the school.]

Summer Soccer Google Calendar

Updated on 06/10/2022

If you have a Google account, this link will allow you to see and upload the calendar, so you have all the dates/times of the upcoming activities.  It also includes the first two weeks of preseason including tryout dates and times:

Schedule Updates

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi All, Remember there will Be summer ball both Tuesday and Thursday this week, both 5-7. We have added a scrimmage vs. Timberlane to the calendar on Tuesday, July 30. This will be played in Sandown in the evening. We are aiming for 6pm so people can get there after work but are waiting to hear back. We will follow up with specific time and location soon.

Summer Soccer Today Canceled - Moved to Tuesday

Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to the impending thunderstorms, today's summer soccer session is canceled.

We are adding a session next Tuesday 7/16 from 5-7pm (in addition to our existing scheduled Thursday session).

For any questions, please contact Coach Gompert at .

Summer soccer canceled 6/20/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Canceled again folks - this pesky weather!

We will be looking into adding make up sessions for these first two we've lost.  We hope to see everyone next Thursday to get this thing started off properly!

In the mean time, watch the Women's World Cup, especially some of the top ranked teams.  [USA v. Sweden today at 3pm]  And challenge yourself to improving your juggling record: +5 juggles each day. If you get to a 100, focus in on your weaker foot.

Summer soccer canceled today

Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to inclement weather, there is no summer ball today, Thursday 6/13/19.  See you all next week!

Things you can do on your own in the meantime: challenge yourself to a juggling record, get together with friend and play small-sided games, WATCH the WOMEN's WORLD CUP!!

Soccer Teams Celebration Banquet

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi Everyone,

We will have our soccer teams banquet/dinner on Thursday, November 7th at 6pm in the CBNA cafe. The celebration typically lasts between 1 1/2 - 2 hours.

CBNA will provide pizza and dinnerware (cups, plates, napkins, utensils).  Players should bring the following to help make the evening happen:

Freshmen: Drinks

Sophomores and Juniors: Apps

Seniors: Desserts

Looking forward to seeing everyone and reflect on the seasons.


Stevens Game at Modnadnock field across from Stevens HS

Updated on 06/10/2022

Stevens Game at Modnadnock field across from Stevens HS

Stevens Game is Wednesday 4 & 6pm

Updated on 06/10/2022

Just a reminder that the Stevens game (away) is on Wednesday this week, not the original Tuesday that showed on our calendar.  This was changed about a month and a half ago.

JV plays at 4, Varsity at 6.  The bus will not stop on the way home for food because it is a school night.

Friday's training

Updated on 06/10/2022

Varsity trains at 6am Friday morning.

JV trains at 2:45pm Friday afternoon.

Today's non-mandatory training & PROGRESS REPORTS

Updated on 06/10/2022

Our calendar has today's practice marked as a day off because of the additional Saturday game.  If any players, JV or Varsity, would like to come to a non-mandatory training session today, Coach Struthers will be running one from 3-4:45pm on the JV field.

Both coaches will be printing off players' progress reports within the next week.  Today would also be a great day to get extra after school help from teachers or get caught up on work.

Which color jersey to wear tomorrow?

Updated on 06/10/2022

White on the road. Red/Black at Home. Dismissal from school tomorrow at 1:45. Bus departs for John Stark at 2pm.

Oyster River Game moved back to original 4:30 start

Updated on 06/10/2022

Both teams will now both play at Oyster River on Friday at 4:30pm (rather than the later consecutive times). Bus will LEAVE from Coe-Brown at 3pm.  Players should arrive to Smith Hall by 2:45pm.

While frustrating to have gone through this many changes, we thought the change was necessary due to the recent Triple E concern that unfolded in Northwood.  We are taking the same precautions today in training and will have bug repellent available to all players.

Facebook Teams Page

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi All,

We have created a Facebook Group page for this year's JV and Varsity teams.  This is a place to celebrate the teams' efforts throughout the season.  Feel free to share photos and articles that you capture or come across.  Any member may invite in new members.  

I believe you'll have to request admittance into the group, so we will accept them as they come in.  If last names match with players, we will accept right away.  If they do not, have another group member that knows you bring into the group, or send us an e-mail to clarify your relationship.



[If that doesn't work, look up "2019 CBNA Boys Soccer Teams"]

Important upcoming deadlines and dates

Updated on 06/10/2022

Tuesday: 4pm Varsity & JV scrimmage vs Dover; 5:30pm parent meeting with their son’s respective coaches (for those who missed the one on Friday); Midnight deadline for ALL Team Store purchases. Don’t forget the coupon code - 1 per player. (The broken coupon code was fixed Saturday afternoon) Wednesday: team picture day - order forms were handed out at Friday’s meeting. We’ll have a few leftovers at Tuesday’s parent meeting. (Teams will wear RED jerseys) Friday: Game Times at Oyster River HAVE BEEN CHANGED. JV kickoff 5pm Varsity kickoff 7pm (Bus for both teams: 3:30pm)

Parent Meeting Friday

Updated on 06/10/2022

Parents meeting tomorrow to discuss program guidelines, team policies, season schedule, team store and more. JV/softball field bleachers.

JV parents: 5pm w/Coach Struthers

Varsity parents; 5:15pm w/Coach Gompert.

Updated schedule after rain out today

Updated on 06/10/2022

Thursday 3:15-5:15pm: Tryouts Day 3, teams established

Friday: JV training 3-5pm; Varsity vs Alumni game 5:30-7pm

Saturday: Varsity training tourney at Winnacunnett H.S. 9-11:30am [bus for players from CBNA at 7:20am]

TRYOUTS TOMORROW!! Important Information

Updated on 06/10/2022

Boys Varsity and JV combined tryouts will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3-5pm on the upper field (past softball field to the top field).  Reminder - to even step on the field, all players must have: (A) a current physical on file (dated June 1, 2019 or later), (B) the athletic contract signed on line, and (C) a current ImPact test on file with Mrs. Carey.  All players must have cleats and shin guards and be properly hydrated because of the excessively hot temperatures expected.  Lastly, if there is inclement weather, we have an indoor contingency plan, so players MUST bring indoor soccer shoes or sneakers.  Contact Coach Gompert with any questions:

Tuesday Scrimmage info- LOCATION CHANGE

Updated on 06/10/2022

The scrimmage against Timberlane has been moved to an athletic field complex at this address:  56 North Road, Sandown, NH 03873 called Sandlot Sports & Entertainment. It is a 40 minute drive from CBNA. Players need to find their OWN way to and from the field. 

The scrimmage is at 5:30pm. We'll get warmups going by 5:15. 

The scrimmage includes incoming freshmen.

Next Week's mini camp

Updated on 06/10/2022

Next week's mini camp is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 5:30-7:30pm.

[Thursday will also include regular pickup ball with alumni.]

We plan on doing lots of small-sided games with emphasis on decision-making skill development, full-sided games, and technical skill development based on the needs of the players.  This is a great opportunity and it is of NO COST to the participants.

Summer Soccer Google Calendar

Updated on 06/10/2022

If you have a Google account, this link will allow you to see and upload the calendar, so you have all the dates/times of the upcoming activities.  It also includes the first two weeks of preseason including tryout dates and times:

Schedule Updates

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hi All, Remember there will Be summer ball both Tuesday and Thursday this week, both 5-7. We have added a scrimmage vs. Timberlane to the calendar on Tuesday, July 30. This will be played in Sandown in the evening. We are aiming for 6pm so people can get there after work but are waiting to hear back. We will follow up with specific time and location soon.

Summer Soccer Today Canceled - Moved to Tuesday

Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to the impending thunderstorms, today's summer soccer session is canceled.

We are adding a session next Tuesday 7/16 from 5-7pm (in addition to our existing scheduled Thursday session).

For any questions, please contact Coach Gompert at .

Summer soccer canceled 6/20/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Canceled again folks - this pesky weather!

We will be looking into adding make up sessions for these first two we've lost.  We hope to see everyone next Thursday to get this thing started off properly!

In the mean time, watch the Women's World Cup, especially some of the top ranked teams.  [USA v. Sweden today at 3pm]  And challenge yourself to improving your juggling record: +5 juggles each day. If you get to a 100, focus in on your weaker foot.

Summer soccer canceled today

Updated on 06/10/2022

Due to inclement weather, there is no summer ball today, Thursday 6/13/19.  See you all next week!

Things you can do on your own in the meantime: challenge yourself to a juggling record, get together with friend and play small-sided games, WATCH the WOMEN's WORLD CUP!!

Bring indoor soccer shoes or sneakers to camp today.

Updated on 10/21/2020

Bring indoor soccer shoes or sneakers to camp today.

Updated on 10/21/2020

Training canceled today 10/16/20 for both teams

Updated on 10/21/2020

Training canceled today 10/16/20 for both teams

Updated on 10/21/2020